Primordial Black

Primordial Black


Primordial Black are a 4 man blackened death metal band from Tunisia. With lyrics inspired by the likes of HP Lovecraft and John Milton you can be sure to be greeted with a dark and harrowing sonic assault.


Primordial Black released their debut ep “Monas Hieroglyphica” in January 2024 with a album currently in the works as well, we decided to jump in and listen to a few of the tracks from the debut.


“Pain as a face

Allow me to show

It to you”

First track we listened to “The Worm That Gnaws at Night” and wow what a track to start with. We begin with a slow paced build with a very nice bass tone, the vocals are very clear which is unusual in the genre but welcomed as it fits with the very melodic riffs we’re encountering in the song. The chorus has a fantastic lead riff which I could listen to over and over again (which I am sure I will be doing!)


Up next, we have “Only Death Is Real” and we’re in for another banger. The bass tone again is fantastic and very clear throughout the verse and intro, in the chorus we see the range of the vocals with the “ONLY DEATH IS REAL”. Yet again, the lead riff through the chorus is fantastic so massive props to Walid Chaaben as the riffs are incredible.


Last track we listened was the debut EP title “Monas Hieroglyphica”. This song has a pretty harrowing music video to accompany it showing all sorts of bugs (link below)

These guys have some excellent melodic riffing going on with a strong bassline and drums to accompany every track and this is no different. The tone of the bass in this song is so good and so clear towards the end of the song, it adds to the dark ambiance of the track so well.

Primordial Black have some excellent songs out already and with an album to come as well, I can’t wait to hear more. Incredibly melodic death and very cosmic horror esque lyrics, you have to listen to these guys.

Our Rating – 4.5/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗


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