

JACKPIPE is as crude and fun loving as a heavy metal and hardcore crossover band can be, with all of the gruff bigmouth charm and deeply buried (but ever present) endearing sentiment that helps define the Big Apple.


The east coast outfit released their 3rd release last year titled “Getting Jak’d” and we’ve jumped straight in. First track on the release is “Feeling the Pump” and we’re greeted with a great riff resonating throughout the song backed up with a powerful bassline. You can certainly feel the influence from fellow east coast band “Hatebreed” on this track.


“I hate, I hate everyone but I hate you more”

Another song, another banger. The riff this time taking on us a slower breakdown filled track with incredible drumming throughout. The vocals powerful throughout, with the chorus delivering a simple yet effective message.


I’ll take you to a place where we shall find our..

It wouldn’t be right not to mention the cover song on the EP in the form of “Roots Bloody Roots” famously done by Sepultura. Not only does Jackpipe successfully give it the original feel of the song but put their own twist on it. It is an incredible cover, and straight into the headbanger HQ playlist.



It’s easy to see why they’ve had the success they have already based on the EP alone. The riffs with the powerful vocals backed up by the thunderous drums make for an excellent play. If you’re a fan of Biohazard or hatebreed you’ll love this, and even if you’re not i’m sure you’ll still enjoy it.

Our Rating – 4.5/5


Jackpipe links






